One-Act Play
Where is the caring in eldercare?
Caroline Peddy—an experienced and dedicated caretaker of elderly loved ones—may soon be available for hire. Then again, her current charge, octogenarian Grace Butler, sees her in a different light and has a different scenario in mind.
LENGTH: 25 minutes
A bare stage with two separate playing areas. Stage right—an arm chair. Stage left—two kitchen chairs and a table, the latter set with 2 teapots, 2 teacups and a glass of water.
Caroline Peddy. Female. 50s. A formidable, take-charge woman.
Grace Butler. Female. 80s. A sweet but cunning woman.
2019. One Act Play Festival, Silver Spring Stage, Silver Spring, MD, August.
2015, One Act Play Festival, Pend Oreille Players, Newport, WA, July.
2015. 18th Annual Black Box New Play Festival, Gallery Players, Brooklyn, NY, June.
2020. Atlanta Audio Fringe Festival, presented by Radio Theatre Project, St. Petersburg, FL.
2019. Recorded and broadcast by Radio Theatre Project, St. Petersburg, FL, October.
2023. Summer Staged Reading Series, Valley Players, Napa Valley, CA, August 5.
2018. Semi-finalist, 3rd Annual Still Crazy After All These Years Festival, Stray Kats Theatre Company.
2015. Semi-finalist (second time), One-Act Playwriting Competition, Drury University One-Act Playwriting Competition.
2013. Semi-finalist (first time), One-Act Playwriting Competition, Drury University One-Act Playwriting Competition.
Miss Peddy sits in an armchair stage right. Grace sits on a kitchen chair stage left, about to enjoy a cup of tea. Both actors are in the dark. In sequence, as indicated, each actor’s side of the stage is lit up.
Lights up on Miss Peddy, who leans forward in her chair, as if responding to a question.
(addressing the audience)
I’m not available right now, but I expect to be shortly. You’ll find me more than suitable. I’m well-trained, hard-working, and devoted to my patients.
(answering a question)
I’m from Canada—Prince Edward Island. We’re a most reliable race, you know! When you hire Miss Peddy, you know your parents will get the best possible care that money can buy.
(with great sincerity)
I become their friend. Their soul mate. My world revolves around them.
Cross fade to Grace.
(addressing the audience)
You won’t mind if I help myself to a cup of tea, will you?
Grace pours herself a cup of tea.
Jasmine pomegranate today.
Grace takes a sip.
Delicious! I have quite the collection of teas. I even make some of my own concoctions with homegrown herbs. Oh, wait—excuse me a minute, will you? I have to take my pill.
Grace takes a pill with a big swallow of water. After a moment—cross fade to Miss Peddy.
You can ask my patients’ relatives for references, of course, but I think it’s more important to ask the patients themselves. Or if they’re in no state to respond to such an inquiry, look at their condition. Consider their actions—they DO speak louder. For instance…
Miss Peddy checks herself, searching for something, and raises her arm to show off her bracelet.
For instance—this! A charming piece, don’t you think?
(studying the bracelet)
I was proud to add it to my collection. Rose Manicotti was her name. Manicotti—that’s some sort of Italian food, isn’t it? A soulful woman. Catholic, you know—
I mean, she actually believed in the infallibility of the pope and all that nonsense. …
Oh, I’m sorry. I don’t mean to offend you if that’s your persuasion.
Cross fade to Grace.
That’s better! The doctor says it’s very important to take my pill every day at this time. One pill—no more; no less. It’s a miracle drug, I tell you! Mummy and DaDa might still be here if we’d had these things back then. All pains and problems have been eradicated thanks to the marvels of modern medicine. Oh, that reminds me—excuse me a minute, will you? I have to take my pill.
Grace takes a pill with a big swallow of water. After a moment—cross fade to Miss Peddy’s area as Miss Peddy re-enters and takes her seat.
Thank you.
(looking around)
What a handsome room! Nothing frilly here!
(all business)
I assume you’ve read my resume. … Yes, I took care of Rose Manicotti for several years. She was CATHOLIC, you know. A fine religion, that one! I used to take her to church every Saturday night. THAT’s how devoted I am. She taught me how to do the rosary. Gave me some lovely rosary beads, too—though I got rid of them after I… After she… Well, afterwards.